Monday, May 11, 2009

IT OFFICIAL!!! I'm obsessed!!!!

Hey guys. it's been a while since i have been on here. i wanted to check in really quickly. i wanted you guys to know that i am officially admitting it, i am a twilightaholic. i knw it's sad, but i think that we can all live throught this. to show how addicted i am to this movie i will post a ton of photos of the actors. i totally love rob pattinson in the movie, but not as much in real life. I still think that he is pretty hot, but it depends on what his hair is like and other things. i also think that taylor lautner is one of the single hottest guys on the planet and he just so happens to only be a year older than me. i absolutely lovw him. he is so buff and it is amazing.

i loved the vanity fair shoot that the cast did. it is so well lit and you can tell that they hade alot of fun shooting it. like i said i'm obsessed, so i don't need anybody ragging on me about how pathetic i am or anything like that. i am admitting something that alot of people think is dumb, so i would appreciate it if you could bear with me and just be nice and only leave nice comments. now i will try to upload multiple photos, but i am not sure how to. if i can't then it will only be one photo from the vanity fair shoot. bye!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's Been So long

Hi all! Sorry I haven't written in like forever. i have been very busy and it's been spring break. I have also been rather sick for a while. I finally saw twilight the movie. my mom bought me the three disc special edition set and i am in love with the movie. i read all four of the books and i personally thought that the book was better than the movie but that is how all books go. anyways i tought that breaking dawn was kind of dissapointing. i liked the beginning but once bella became pregnanat i lost interest. it was kind of boring. it didn't hate it but i didn't love it. i liked most of the books but i also didn't really like new moon but that is just because edward isn't in most of the book and i liked the books better when edward is around. I have also been busy trying to find my iPod. i haven't been able to find it since i got off of grounding. i know it is in the house because it wnt missing in the house because it wasn't allowed to be left. anyways i just wanted to check in. i will come back sooner than my last entry.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hi all! sorry i haven't updated this in a long time. and by all i mean mom and possible anyother person who happens to stumble upon this boring blog. my life has been crazy since i wrote my last blog. i have been to mac alot more and i have also been to my dad's house a few times. I am so bored right now. i have gotten into alot of crap with people. i am also not doing things to agitate people, but they find things to get aggitated about. I got my ears pierced for the secind time. my mom decided that since she knew i was never going to do it, so she decided to take me to claire's and get my ears pierced. then she bought me some liquid eyeliner from mac and got me some food from panda express. i was so happy to get my ears pierced but it hurt. i am going to tell you more about this later. bye.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wonder Con 2009

omg. today was an amazing day. i went to wonder con today which is a comic book convention in san francisco. i got to meet deon richmond and saw mark hamil(luke skywalker) and the lady who plays princess lea. i also got to meet the guy who plays ted buckland on scrubs the tv show. i was so amazed to see him and get his autograph that i started to shake. i took a picture with him, and will be the picture on the top left. i am too tired to explain everything right now. i will tomorrow. bye! and goodnight!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


OMG!!! These past few days have been totally crazy! ok, so i don't know the date of my last blog, but i will try to remember what i said. nevermind, i remember it wan't anything important. in the past few days i have had craziness happen. i went to mac and got a ton of stuff. i got a 239 and 224 brush. i also got four eye shadows along with a base, brush cleaner, and an eyeliner pen. i am so happy. also, i woke up today at seven o'clock. i got dressed along with my mom and at 8:00 am we left. we drove to rockaway beach. my mom and i decided to go watch the amgen tour of californi. we got very bored waiting, and soon it was time for the race. i took pictures of the first group and the pelaton. i will attach photos i took from it. the only picture of the pelaton i will put up will have a bunch of guy in it obviously. there will be one with a yellowish helmet who is out of focus. that is Lance Armstrong and he is the only reason why i wanted to see the race. it was so fast. they were only there for like one minute. i couldn't even get good pictures because they came so quickly. it was still amazing. seeing that many cyclists and to be in the presence of seven time tour de france champ Lance Armstrong. it was so kool. i can't even begin to tell you how kool it was. i will blog to you later, but i either need to take a nap or i need to eat some food. ttfn. bye!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


OMG!!! I completely forgot to tell you guy in my first blog that on my sixteenth birthday which was on January 28, my mom and I saw Wicked the musical at the Orphuem Theatre. It was amazing. I will tell you more about it later today, but now I have to finish my essay for Mr. Greens'. I haven't even started yet and it is due tomorrow. YIKES!!!! gtg. bye!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a Day!!!

Hello all! My name is Leilani and i am 16. I go to a school in pacifica. Today was quite a day. I will tell you about it after I tell you this short/long story. On January 12, 2009 I was caught with marijuana at my school. I was seaarched and yelled at. When I got back to school, people who I thought were my friends were shunning me. I felt so alone. My cousins were nice enough to stick by me and they said that yeah I made a dumb mistake, but as long as I didn't to it again they were kool with it. My mom had told me that my cousins have done things too and that it made us human but I felt like a total idiot. So on the day I got back, my cousin was talking to me at lunch because i was sitting with her and my two others cousins who saw me eating by myself. My cousin says oh I hate ********. I asked her why. She glared at me and said," You really don't know why?" I hadn't the slightest clue. So I looked at her and she said I hate her because of what she did to you. I then realized that ******** the person I thought was my friend was the one who snitched on me. Right then I began to silently cry. My cousin tried to make me feel better by saying that she yelled at ******** and called her a *****. At least my cousins didn't absolutely hate me, though I sometime think that they do.

Anyways back to today. In Mr. Green's class we went down to the computer lab to work on our essays for the book Night by, Elie Wiesel. While we were there I decided to go on the internet. ******** walked in and sat down next to my friend Andrew. I went onto my first e-mail account then the gmail. After about five minutes in class i realize that there is a thingy saying that ******** says.... I opened it and she is im ing me that she doesn't want to fight anymore. I looked at it and laughed, since for the past month she had been harassing me, calling me names, spreading rumors about me, and threatening me. I wrote to her, and now she thinks were kool, but we are nowhere close to being kool. I will NEVER be abe to forgive her for what she did to me. She made all of my friends think I was saying stuff about them, so now I have like three freinds. She completely ruined my life. I cried so many times because of what she did to me. I realize now that every single tear shed was caused by her. She was the one who told on me, she was the one threatening me, and she was the one ruining my life. My body is felling the physical toll all this stress is causing me. I honeslty just need to rest this weekend, but with all of my 4-H stuff I don't think I will have the luxury to do such a thing. It's not that I don't love 4-H and all I do for. It's just that i would like some time to catch my breath and refocus my life. I need it to get back on the track which it has veered off of and gone the complee opposite direction of.

This is my life. If you happened to read all of that, my hats off to you. Chances are though that nobody but me and my mom will ever read this, so...yeah. This has been one day. If you did read this and you are not a part of my family and you thought you would be reading about a young girl with problems of which boy do I like or should I wear my hair up or down, then you have come to the wrong place. I never said my life was easy, so neither will reading about it. So strap yourself in, it's going to be a long and incredibly bumpy ride. A ride I am used to. I am used to the failure, the shot down hopes, the thought that no one loves you, the thought of I wish I could just disppear. I'm ony 16 and I understand the world as the cold hard shell that it is, but you don't see me permanently giving up. Just temporarily. This is my life...enjoy....or don't. It's up to you.